Fun Animal Riddles and Test - Giraffe, Elephant, and more!

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Explore a series of playful riddles and a quirky test involving giraffes, elephants, and a Lion King conference. Test your problem-solving skills with questions like how to put a giraffe in a refrigerator and which animal is missing from an animal conference. Enjoy some humor and challenge your thinking with these clever scenarios!

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Fun Animal Riddles and Test - Giraffe, Elephant, and more!

PowerPoint presentation about 'Fun Animal Riddles and Test - Giraffe, Elephant, and more!'. This presentation describes the topic on Explore a series of playful riddles and a quirky test involving giraffes, elephants, and a Lion King conference. Test your problem-solving skills with questions like how to put a giraffe in a refrigerator and which animal is missing from an animal conference. Enjoy some humor and challenge your thinking with these clever scenarios!. Download this presentation absolutely free.

Presentation Transcript

  1. WMOA Meeting #3 Tuesday, September 5, 2023

  2. How I Study the Rules Ray Prettyman

  3. The Giraffe Test Are you qualified to be our communication colleague?

  4. Question 1 How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator?

  5. Q1 Answer Open the refrigerator, put in the giraffe, and close the door. (Tests whether you tend to do simple things in an overly complicated way.)

  6. Question 2 How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator?

  7. Q2 Answer Open the refrigerator, take out the giraffe, put in the elephant and close the door. (Tests your ability to think through the repercussions of your previous actions.)

  8. Question 3 The Lion King is hosting an animal conference. All the animals attend except one. Which animal does not attend?

  9. Q3 Answer The elephant! The elephant is in the refrigerator. You put him in there. (Tests your memory.)

  10. Question 4 There is a river you must cross, but it is used by crocodiles, and you do not have a boat. How do you manage it?

  11. Q4 Answer You jump into the river and swim across. Have you not been listening? All the crocodiles are attending the animal meeting. (Tests whether you learn quickly from your mistakes.)

  12. The end According to Anderson Consulting, about 90% of the professionals they tested got all the questions wrong. But many preschoolers got several correct answers. Some say this conclusively disproves the hypothesis that most professionals have the brains of a four-year-old.

  13. Lets talk free kicks

  14. Free kicks come in three flavors Category When used? Technique allowed? Place kick Drop kick Can it score? Kickoff Start of each half, After a try, After successful field goal Nonscoring team kicks after a safety After a FC or awarded FC (anyone seen one of these?) No Free kick after a safety Place kick Drop kick Punt Place kick Drop kick No Free kick after a FC or awarded FC Yes

  15. FK after FC/awarded FC

  16. Rule 6-1-2: FK must be made from ON K s FK line

  17. Only one player may be 5+ yards behind the ball after the RFP; this player must be the kicker

  18. Example After the ready for play and before the ball is kicked from the K-40, potential kicker K1 is lined up at the K-30 to begin his run up to the ball. All other K players are between the K-35 and K-40. As K1 approaches the tee, he suddenly slows down and K2 kicks a short dribbler that is recovered by R1.

  19. Example After the ready for play and before the ball is kicked from the K-40, potential kicker K1 is lined up at the K-30 to begin his run up to the ball. All other K players are between the K-35 and K-40. As K1 approaches the tee, he suddenly slows down and K2 kicks a short dribbler that is recovered by R1. Dead ball foul for encroachment (but still give S19), 5 yards, rekick

  20. At least 4 players must be on either side of the kicker when the ball is kicked

  21. Kicks breaking Rs goal line plane are ALWAYS touchbacks Rule 8-5-3a: Any free kick which is not a grounded three point scoring attempt that breaks the plane of R s goal line is automatically a touchback. Status of the ball matters here: When by rule does a kick end?

  22. Example FK @ K-40. K1 s kick is high and deep, and is muffed by R30 at the R-4 yardline. The ball bounces in and out of R30 s arms while he retreats to get control, and the ball never touches the ground. When he finally gets the ball under control, R30 is three yards deep in his own endzone.

  23. Example FK @ K-40. K1 s kick is high and deep, and is muffed by R30 at the R-4 yardline. The ball bounces in and out of R30 s arms while he retreats to get control, and the ball never touches the ground. When he finally gets the ball under control, R30 is three yards deep in his own endzone. This is NOT a momentum situation. The muffs do not end the ball s status as a kick. Therefore, we have a free kick into R s endzone for a simple TOUCHBACK.

  24. The momentum exception Rule 8-5-2a EXCEPTION: If a defender catches or intercepts or recovers an opponent s kick, pass, or fumble, and his momentum pulls him into the end zone, and the ball stays in the end zone, and is declared dead there in his team s possession, then, the defense can have the ball at the spot where possession was first gained in the field of play.

  25. Example K s free kick is caught by R30 at the R-4 and his momentum carries him into his own endzone, but he does not go down. While R30 scurries in search of an escape route he s hit and fumbles the ball back into the field of play and out of bounds at the R-2.

  26. Example K s free kick is caught by R30 at the R-4 and his momentum carries him into his own endzone, but he does not go down. While R30 scurries in search of an escape route he s hit and fumbles the ball back into the field of play and out of bounds at the R-2. Momentum is OFF because ball returned to the field of play. It will be Team R s ball at the inbounds spot (the R-2).

  27. When can K legally touch a free kick? Rule 6: Team R can touch a FK at any time. However, there are only two legal routes for Team K to touch or possess a FK: 1. Kick travels ten yards AND touches the ground (in either order), OR 2. The kick first touches an R player.

  28. Example K s short free kick has some serious backspin on it. The ball hits the ground at the R-48 and bounces back to the K-45 where K3 falls on it. The kick does not have to stay beyond R s restraining line. So long as it has been beyond R s line AND touched the ground, K will be in legal possession at the end of the down.

  29. Common fouls that can happen during free kick plays Dead ball fouls Encroachment by K or R Being more than 5 yards behind K s FK line & not being the player who kicks the ball Not having at least 4 players on either side of the kicker at the time of the kick Pop up kick Live ball fouls Free kick out of bounds Kick catching interference K player goes out of bounds during the kick & returns inbounds during the down First touching of a free kick (not a foul, but a violation)

  30. How to enforce fouls by K during free kick plays? Rule 10-4-2 EXCEPTION: The basic spot may be the succeeding spot for fouls by K during a legal free kick down (other than KCI) when the foul happens before the end of the kick, AND K will not be next to put the ball in play. i.e., If K fouls during the kick and doesn t end up being next to snap, then R can tack on the yards from wherever they d otherwise have the ball.

  31. Example K s slow dribbling free kick is barely eeking its way out of the neutral zone. K20 blocks R30 when the ball is only at the K-47. The ball then dribbles to the R-48 where R31 falls on it. Did K foul during the kick? Will K be next to put the ball in play?

  32. Example K s slow dribbling free kick is barely eeking its way out of the neutral zone. K20 blocks R30 when the ball is only at the K-47. The ball then dribbles to the R-48 where R31 falls on it. Did K foul during the kick? Will K be next to put the ball in play? R may enforce ten yards from the R-48 OR from the previous spot and re-kick.

  33. Example K s slow dribbling free kick is barely eeking its way out of the neutral zone. K20 blocks R30 when the ball is only at the K-47. The ball then dribbles to the R-48 where K21 falls on it. Did K foul during the kick? If not for the foul, would K be next to put the ball in play?

  34. Example K s slow dribbling free kick is barely eeking its way out of the neutral zone. K20 blocks R30 when the ball is only at the K-47. The ball then dribbles to the R-48 where K21 falls on it. Did K foul during the kick? If not for the foul, would K be next to put the ball in play? R may enforce ten yards only from the previous spot and re-kick.
