Presentation on Financial and Non-Financial Performance: 2023/24 (Q1 – Q3).

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The presentation highlights the financial and non-financial performance of the Higher Education sector for the period of 2023/24, focusing on achievements, targets, and student enrolments in universities, TVET colleges, and CET colleges. The overview showcases a mix of achievements and challenges in meeting planned targets, especially in student enrolments and financial aid schemes.

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  1. Presentation on Financial and Non- Financial Performance: 2023/24 (Q1 Q3) Briefing to the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education, Science and Innovation Presentation by the Director-General: Dr SNP Sishi Date: 28 February 2024

  2. Outline of the presentation Vision and Mission Achievements during the period under review Programme Level Performance against targets Financial Performance 2

  3. Vision and Mission Development of appropriate steering mechanisms VISION: An integrated, coordinated and articulated PSET system for improved economic participation and social development of youth and adults. Effective oversight, monitoring and evaluation Department of Higher Education and Training Funding of PSET institutions and entities MISSION: To provide strategic leadership to the PSET system through: Provision of support services in relation to teaching and learning 3

  4. OVERVIEW OF PERFORMANCE: 2023/24 QUARTER 1- 3 There are 110 targets for the 2023/24 financial year. 45 Of the total targets, 51 (46%) are targets at institutional level while 59 (54%) are Programme level targets. Percentage Performance has been somewhat fluctuating over the quarters. 22 (49%) 20 19 For the period under review: 47% (9) - achieved in the 1st quarter 60% (12)- achieved in the 2nd quarter 49% (22) achieved in the 3rd quarter 12 (60%) 9(47%) There are 74 annual targets due in the 4th quarter. Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Planned targets Targets Achieved 4

  5. ACHIEVEMENTS DURING THE PERIOD UNDER REVIEW Student enrolments: Universities, TVET and CET colleges 1 177 763 (106%) students were enrolled at universities against the planned target of 1 110 360 reflecting 8% (92 195) increase from 1 085 568 in 2018 academic year. 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 Student enrolments Enrolments in TVET colleges reached 530 328, reflecting 19% or 126 805 decrease, when compared to 2018 academic year. 800,000 600,000 400,000 For the CET college sector, a total of124 638 students were enrolled academic year, reflecting a decrease of 24 806 (17%) compared to student enrolments in 2018 academic year. 200,000 during 2022 0 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Universities enrolment 1,085,568 1,074,912 1,094,808 1,068,046 1,177,763 TVET Enrolment 657,133 637,490 452,277 589,083 530,328 CET enrolment 149,444 171,409 142,585 143,031 124,638 5

  6. ACHIEVEMENTS DURING THE PERIOD UNDER REVIEW National Student Financial Aid Scheme 555 950 (126%) university students received funding from NSFAS against the planned target of 439 659. 900,000 800,000 700,000 266 063 (77%) TVET students were supported against planned target of 346 258. Whilst this shows a decrease against the planned target, 65 742 (33%) more students were funded compared to 2018 academic year. This is 67% progress against 2024-2029 MTSF target of 400 000. NSFAS Beneficiaries 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 2018 200,339 393,781 2019 307,409 393,676 2020 265,747 504,336 2021 270,134 538,340 2022 266,063 555,950 NSFAS TVET NSFAS Univesiies 6

  7. ACHIEVEMENTS DURING THE PERIOD UNDER REVIEW Comprehensive Student Funding Model: The funding model will be implemented in phases with the first phase commencing in 2024-2025. In this regard, government has committed an initial capitalisation fund totaling R3.8 billion in 2024 to fund 47% of the missing middle students (i.e. 31 884 of the estimated 68 446 missing middle). National Plan for Post- School and Education and Training (NPPSET): NP- PSET was launched and publicly released on 7 September 2023. The NP-PSET is a roadmap for the development and reinvigoration of post-school education and training (PSET) to 2030. Its elements are already being implemented. The Plan identifies the goals, objectives and outcomes for Post-School Education and Training (PSET). 7

  8. ACHIEVEMENTS DURING THE PERIOD UNDER REVIEW Country-Wide Master Skills Plan: The review and reconceptualization of the Human Resource Development Strategy of South Africa commenced, in tandem with the development of the Master Skills Plan One Plan, for One Country, with multiple stakeholders consulted. Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS): The Department hosted BRICS Education Senior Officials and the 10th Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Education in Mpumalanga during July 2023. BRICS Ministers discussed issues of mutual interest, cooperation and identified priorities for continued partnerships. Communities of Practices structures were established to advance BRICS Education and Training agenda. These include the BRICS Network University, BRICS Think Tank Council, BRICS Academic Forum and BRICS TVET Cooperation Alliance. 8

  9. ACHIEVEMENTS DURING THE PERIOD UNDER REVIEW A Transforming MENtality Summit was hosted in August 2023, in collaboration with UNESCO and other strategic partners such as DSI, other government departments and entities, and the HSRC. A range of strategic initiatives are planned for 2024/25 financial year. National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Amendment Act: The NQF Amendment Act was signed by President Cyril Ramaphosa on 13 August 2019 and published on 19 August 2019. It was promulgated by the President on 13 October 2023 and is officially in operation. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Coordination Policy (2016): Repeal of the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Coordination Policy (2016) and the establishment of an Inter-Departmental Task Team on RPL in the Public Sector. 9

  10. Programme Level Performance against targets

  11. PERFORMANCE BY PROGRAMME P1: P2: P3: P4: TVET P5: P6: CET ADMINISTRATION PLANNING, POLICY AND STRATEGY Q1: 0/1 Q2: 2/3 Q3: 2/2 UNIVERSITY EDUCATION SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Q1: 5/12 Q2: 7/11 Q3: 8/10 Q1: 2/4 Q2: 2/4 Q3: 1/12 Q1: 2/2 Q2: 1/1 Q3: 1/1 - - Q3: 8/17 - Q2: 0/1 Q3: 2/3 Q1 - 47% (9) of the 19 targets were achieved. Programme 3 and 6 did not have targets Q2 - 60% (12) of the 20 targets were achieved. Programme 3 did not have targets whilst Programme 6 did not achieve its one target Q3 - 49% (22) of the 45 targets were achieved. Programme 4 only achieved 1 of the 12 targets. 11

  12. PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET 2023/24 QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET Payment of suppliers timeously effected .100% 100% Percentage of valid invoices received from creditors paid within 30 days Actual Performance 100% 100% 100% Status (achieved/not achieved) Achieved Achieved Achieved Departmental disciplinary cases finalised 80% 80% 80% of disciplinary cases resolved within 90 days per annum Actual Performance 81% 94% 89% Status (achieved/not achieved) Achieved Achieved Achieved An up-to date and reliable ICT infrastructure implemented Actual performance 95% 95% Percentage of network connectivity uptime per annum 99.42% 99.22% 96.42% Status (achieved/not achieved) Achieved Achieved Achieved 12

  13. PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET 2023/24 QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET Maintaining vacancy rate to be below 10% 10% Percentage of vacancy rate reduced per annum 10% Actual Performance Status (Achieved / Not achieved) 8.8% Achieved 9.60% Achieved 9.60% Achieved Policy directives on preferential procurement to achieve specific transformation goals implemented 30% 30% Public procurement set aside for: o Small, Medium and Macro Enterprises (SMME s) Actual Performance 42.93% 76.95% 91.16% Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Not Achieved Achieved Achieved 13

  14. PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET 2023/24 QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET Policy directives on preferential procurement to achieve specific transformation goals implemented 60% 60% o Black owned businesses Actual Performance 55.28% 75.62% 91.06% Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Not Achieved Achieved Achieved Reasons for variance Supplier filtering application on the central database of National Treasury that is used to select suppliers was inactive. N/A N/A Plans to address non-achievement of target N/A N/A The Department is in the process of developing a monitoring tool to gauge weekly progress targets 14

  15. PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET 2023/24 40% QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET 40% QUARTER 3 TARGET Policy directives on preferential procurement to achieve specific transformation goals implemented Actual Performance o Women owned businesses 22% 37.54% 45.47% Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Not Achieved Not Achieved Achieved Reasons for variance Supplier filtering application on the central database of National Treasury that is used to select suppliers was inactive. The Department is in the process of developing a monitoring tool to gauge weekly progress targets procurement specific targets N/A Plans to address non-achievement of target The Request for Quotation System and its templates were amended to accommodate the five N/A 15

  16. PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET 2023/24 QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET Policy directives on preferential procurement to achieve specific transformation goals implemented 7% 7% o Businesses owned by people living with disabilities Actual Performance 0.80% 0.17% 0.11% Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Not Achieved Not Achieved Not Achieved Reasons for variance Supplier filtering application on the central database of National Treasury that is used to select suppliers was inactive. Supply market is not competitive for enterprises owned by people living with disabilities Sourcing of quotations for quarter 4 will mainly be targeted for business owned by people with disabilities Plans to address non-achievement of target The Request for Quotation System and its templates were amended to accommodate the five procurement specific targets The Department is in the process of developing a monitoring tool to gauge weekly progress targets 16

  17. PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET 2023/24 QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET Policy directives on preferential procurement to achieve specific transformation goals implemented 30% 30% o Youth owned businesses Actual Performance 12.74% 36.55% 35.47% Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Not Achieved Achieved Achieved Reasons for variance Supplier filtering application on the central database of National Treasury that is used to select suppliers was inactive. N/A N/A Plans to address non-achievement of target N/A N/A The Department is in the process of developing a monitoring tool to gauge weekly progress targets 17

  18. PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Audit opinion received from the AG of South Africa ANNUAL TARGET 2023/24 Clean audit outcome QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET Clean audit opinion obtained from the Auditor-General (AG) of South Africa Actual Performance Clean audit outcome Unqualified audit opinion Not Achieved Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Lack of control in the management of performance information Audit Improvement Action Plan developed and monitored Reasons for variation Plans to address non-achievement of target Business Continuity Management System developed and implemented Business Continuity Plan approved by the Director-General by 31 March 2024 A consulted stakeholder Business Continuity Plan submitted for presentation at EXCO meeting by 30 September 2023. A consulted stakeholder Business Continuity Plan was not submitted for presentation at EXCO meeting as planned Not achieved Draft Business Continuity Plan tabled at EXCO meeting by 31 December 2023. Business Continuity Plan approved Service provider for the development of Business Continuity Plan appointed by 30 June 2023 The service provider for the development of Business Continuity Plan was not appointed as planned. . Draft Business Continuity Plan was not tabled at EXCO as planned Actual Performance Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Not Achieved Not achieved Delayed formal engagements or request by the Department to The Presidency to participate in their Business Continuity Plan.. Delayed response from The Presidency on the request to participate in its existing Business Continuity Plan Reason for variance Terms of Reference for the appointment of service provider to develop Draft Business Continuity Plan were developed and accepted at Bid Specification Committee Plans to address non-achievement A new tender to be issued through the Department s Supply Chain Management processes to source a service provider to develop Business Continuity Plan. The Committee requested that there be additional funding for the project to avoid budget deficit. The request for shifting of additional funds was made and supported. 18

  19. PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET 2023/24 QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET Safety and Security at public universities and TVET colleges implemented Implementation Plan for the phased rollout of the Safety and Security Minimum Norms and Standards at TVET colleges approved by the Minister by 30 June 2023 Implementation Plan for the phased rollout of the Safety and Security Minimum Norms and Standards at TVET colleges approved by the Minister by 30 June 2023 Implementation Plan for the phased rollout of the Safety and Security Minimum Norms and Standards at TVET colleges approved Implementation Plan for the phased rollout of the Safety and Security Minimum Norms and Standards at TVET colleges was not developed as planned. Not Achieved Actual Performance Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Still in a planning phase with the TVET Branch to hold safety and security workshop to map out a project plan. Safety and security workshop was planned during August 2023 Reasons for variation Plans to address non-achievement of target 19

  20. PROGRAMME 2: PLANNING, POLICY AND STRATEGY PERFORMANCE OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET 2023/24 QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET 10% 10% 10% ICT infrastructure funding allocated to PSET institutions 10% of infrastructure budget allocated for ICT infrastructure at PSET institutions Percentage of infrastructure budget allocated for ICT infrastructure at PSET institutions 0% 0% 19% Actual Performance Not Achieved Not Achieved Achieved Status (Achieved / Not achieved) TVET colleges were not provided guidelines on how to allocate 10% for ICT projects. Reasons for variation A circular has been issued to TVET colleges to allocate the 10%, Plans to address non-achievement of target Sexual Offences Amendment Act (Act 32 of 2007) (and Related Matters) in the PSET system approved annually Offences Amendment Act (Act 32 of 2007) (and Related Matters) in the PSET system approved by the Director-General by 30 September 2023 Report on the implementation of the Sexual Offences Amendment Act (Act 32 of 2007) (and Related Matters) in the PSET system approved by the Director-General by 30 September 2023 Policy on Social Inclusion in PSET implemented and monitored Report on the implementation of the Sexual Offences Amendment Act (Act 32 of 2007) (and Related Matters) in the PSET system was approved by the Director-General on 10 August 2023. Actual Performance Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Achieved 20

  21. PROGRAMME 2: PLANNING, POLICY AND STRATEGY PERFORMANCE OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET 2023/24 QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET Transforming MENtalities Programme was launched on 29 August 2023 Interventions implemented to support the Transforming MENtalities Programme in the PSET System Actual performance Transforming MENtalities Programme launched by 31 August 2023 Transforming MENtalities Programme launched Transforming MENtalities Programme was launched on 29 August 2023 Achieved Status (achieved/not achieved ) Report on BRICS education sectoral engagements approved by the Minister by 31 December 2023 Report on BRICS education sectoral engagements approved by the Minister by 31 December 2023 BRICS education sectoral engagements implemented BRICS education sectoral engagements report approved Actual Performance Report on BRICS education sectoral engagements was app3roved by the Minister on 28 December 202 Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Achieved 21

  22. PROGRAMME 3: UNIVERSITY EDUCATION OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET 2023/24 QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET Updated guidelines for implementation of the DHET Bursary scheme at public universities submitted to the Minister for concurrence by 15 December 2023 Updated guidelines for implementation of the DHET Bursary scheme at public universities submitted to the Minister for concurrence by 15 December 2023 Guidelines for the DHET bursary scheme at public universities implemented Updated guidelines for implementation of the DHET Bursary scheme at public universities submitted for concurrence annually Updated guidelines for implementation of the DHET Bursary scheme at public universities were submitted to the Minister for concurrence on 4 January 2024 Target not Achieved Actual Performance Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Reasons for variation Updated Guidelines for the DHET bursary scheme at public universities were approved outside the planned reporting period. Fastrack the processing of submissions within the Department. Revised draft Fee Regulatory Framework submitted to the Minister for approval by 31 October 2023. Plans to address non-achievement of target (with timeframes) A Fee Increase Regulation Framework developed and implemented by all public HEIs Actual Performance Revised draft Fee Regulatory Framework submitted to the minister for approval by 31 October 2023 Revised draft Fee Regulatory Framework submitted for approval Final draft Revised Fee Regulatory Framework was developed and not approved as planned. Target not Achieved Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Reasons for variation The Final Draft Fee Regulatory Framework was not discussed at the Ministerial Management Meeting due to time limitations Final Draft Regulatory Framework was prioritised in the next Ministerial Management Meeting. Plans to address non-achievement of target (with timeframes) 22

  23. PROGRAMME 3: UNIVERSITY EDUCATION OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Student Funding Implementation Framework approved ANNUAL TARGET 2023/24 QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET Student Funding Implementation Framework approved by the Minister for submission to Cabinet by 31 October 2023 Comprehensive Student funding model implemented Student Funding Implementation Framework approved by the Minister for submission to Cabinet by 31 October 2023. Actual Performance Student Funding Implementation Framework was not approved by the Minister as planned Target not achieved Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Reasons for variation The Student Funding Implementation Framework was still being consulted with various entities. Inputs from stakeholders on the Student Funding Implementation Framework will be consolidated for processing and approval by the Minister. 1 110 360 Plans to address non-achievement of target (with timeframes) Students enrolled at public universities 1 110 360 Number of students enrolled at public universities annually Actual Performance 1 177 736 Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Reasons for variation Achieved None 23

  24. PROGRAMME 3: UNIVERSITY EDUCATION OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Number of students completing a university qualification annually ANNUAL TARGET 2023/24 232 000 QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET Students completing a University Qualification Actual Performance 232 000 225 702 Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Reasons for variation Not Achieved Not all the universities have the capacity to institute foundation programme correctly. Effectiveness of foundation programmes are being assessed. More funds need to be set aside to support foundation programmes. Plans to address non-achievement of target (with timeframes) 439 659 University students receiving funding through NSFAS bursaries Actual Performance 439 659 Number of university students receiving funding through NSFAS bursaries annually 555 950 Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Achieved 24

  25. PROGRAMME 3: UNIVERSITY EDUCATION OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Number of graduates in engineering annually ANNUAL TARGET 2023/24 14 477 QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET Graduates in engineering Actual Performance Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Reasons for variation 14 477 11 936 Not Achieved Universities not enrolling the agreed target because Basic Education is not yielding enough students. In consultation with universities, a more scientific method will be used to reconsider engineering targets.. Plans to address non-achievement of target (with timeframes) Graduates in natural and physical sciences 11 516 11 516 Number of graduates in natural and physical sciences annually Actual Performance Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Reasons for variation 9 702 Not Achieved Universities not enrolling the agreed target because Basic Education is not yielding enough students In consultation with universities, a more scientific method will be used to reconsider natural and physical sciences. Plans to address non-achievement of target (with timeframes) 25

  26. PROGRAMME 3: UNIVERSITY EDUCATION OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Number of graduates in human health science annually ANNUAL TARGET 2023/24 10 200 QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET 10 200 Graduates in human health science Actual Performance Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Reasons for variation 9 689 Not Achieved Universities not enrolling the agreed target because Basic Education is not yielding enough students In consultation with universities, a more scientific method will be used to reconsider human health science target. Plans to address non-achievement of target (with timeframes) Graduates in animal health science Actual Performance Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Reasons for variation 1 013 1 013 Number of graduates in animal health science annually 814 Not Achieved Universities not enrolling the agreed target because Basic Education is not yielding enough students In consultation with universities, a more scientific method will be used to reconsider animal health science target. Plans to address non-achievement of target (with timeframes) 26

  27. PROGRAMME 3: UNIVERSITY EDUCATION OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Number of master s graduates (all master s) annually ANNUAL TARGET 2023/24 15 079 QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET 15 079 Master s graduates (all master s) Actual Performance 13 765 Target Not Achieved Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Insufficient funding for post-graduate qualifications. Reasons for variation Funding is requested for various post graduate qualification studies. Plans to address non-achievement of target (with timeframes) Establishment of the Advisory Panel on the implementation of Language Policy approved by the Director-General by 30 November 2023 Establishment of the Advisory Panel on the implementation of Language Policy approved by the Director-General by 30 November 2023 Establishment of the Advisory Panel on the implementation of Language Policy approved Language Policy in Higher Education developed and implemented Actual Performance Establishment of the Advisory Panel on the implementation of Language Policy was approved by the Director-General on 01 September 2023 Target Achieved Status (Achieved / Not achieved) 27

  28. PROGRAMME 3: UNIVERSITY EDUCATION OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET 2023/24 29 500 QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET 29 500 Graduates in initial teacher education Actual performance Number of graduates in initial teacher education annually 31 080 Status (achieved/not achieved ) Achieved Number of graduates in veterinary science annually Graduates in veterinary science Actual Performance 185 185 199 Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Achieved 3 477 Number of doctoral graduates annually Doctoral graduates Actual Performance 3 477 3 690 Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Achieved 28

  29. PROGRAMME 3: UNIVERSITY EDUCATION OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET 2023/24 QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET 2.1 % (208 200) Increase in first-time students entering university Actual Performance 2.1 % (208 200) Percentage increase in first-time students entering university 14.75% Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Achieved A report on the evaluation of creative and innovation outputs by public universities approved by the Director-General by 31 December 2023 Quality of research and creative and innovation outputs Monitored A report on the evaluation of creative and innovation outputs by public universities approved by the Director-General by 31 December 2023 Number of monitoring reports on the evaluation of research, creative and innovation outputs of public universities approved annually Actual Performance A report on the evaluation of creative and innovation outputs by public universities was approved by the Director- General on 23 December 2023 Achieved29 Status (Achieved / Not achieved)

  30. PROGRAMME 4: TVET OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Number of students enrolled at TVET colleges annually ANNUAL TARGET 2023/24 520 000 QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET Student enrolments at TVET colleges Actual Performance Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Reasons for variation 520 000 520 328 (Unverified) Not Achieved Enrolment data is not yet cleaned and in the process of verification Plans to address non-achievement of target (with timeframes) Enrolment data will be verified during the 4th quarter and the reported figure might change. 346 258 Number of TVET college students receiving funding through NSFAS bursaries annually TV ET colleges students receiving funding through NSFAS bursaries Actual Performance Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Reasons for variation 346 258 266 063 Not Achieved The number of trimesters were reduced from three to two due to the impact of COVID-19. This impacted negatively the number of students who qualify for NSFAS bursaries. The easing of COVID-19 restrictions made it possible to accommodate all the registration cycles for the forthcoming academic year, i.e. the 2023 academic year. Plans to address non-achievement of target (with timeframes) 30

  31. PROGRAMME 4: TVET OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Number of artisan learners trained in TVET colleges per annum ANNUAL TARGET 2023/24 30 000 QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET 30 000 Artisan learners trained in TVET colleges Actual Performance 57 105 (Unverified) Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Not Achieved The reported figure is not verified. Reasons for variation Data will be verified during 4th quarter Plans to address non-achievement of target (with timeframes) Period it takes to issue certificates to qualifying candidates following publication of results (months) Certificates issued to qualifying candidates 3 months 3 months Actual Performance 0 0 86 working days = 2.8 Months Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Not Achieved Not Achieved Achieved Reasons for variation There were challenges experienced in procuring blank certificate security papers to print bulk certificates. Government Printing Works advised that the Department will receive the blank certificate papers for bulk printing during the third quarter of the 2023/24 financial year. Plans to address non-achievement of target (with timeframes)

  32. PROGRAMME 4: TVET OUTPUTS Protocols signed with industry to place TVET college students and lecturers for workplace experience PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET 2023/24 Number of protocols signed with industry to place TVET college students and lecturers for workplace experience annually QUARTER 1 TARGET 12 public TVET colleges with at least two protocols signed with industry to place TVET college students and lecturers for workplace experience QUARTER 2 TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET 13 Public TVET colleges with at least two protocols signed with industry to place TVET college students and lecturers for workplace experience All 50 public TVET colleges sign at least two protocols with industry and place learners for workplace experience accordingly 13 public TVET colleges with at least two protocols signed with industry to place TVET college students and lecturers for workplace experience Actual Performance 6 TVET colleges signed at least 2 protocols with industry to place TVET college students and lecturers for workplace experience. 3 Public TVET colleges signed one protocol with industry to place TVET college students and lecturers for workplace experience. 8 Public TVET colleges have signed at least 2 protocols with industry to place TVET students and lecturers- for workplace experience Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Not Achieved Not Achieved Not Achieved Reasons for variation Inadequate submissions of protocols signed by both parties. Schedule detailing TVET colleges to submit signed protocols is being developed for implementation. TVET colleges delayed to submit signed protocols Some colleges signed one protocol and other one or two protocols. Plans to address non-achievement of target (with timeframes) An exemplar protocol will be provided to all TVET colleges to use to draft and enter with industry Constant liaison with TVET colleges to submit signed protocols. 32

  33. PROGRAMME 4: TVET QUARTER 2 TARGET OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Operating Model to incentivise TVET students to complete Occupational qualifications linked to Centres of Specialisation approved ANNUAL TARGET 2023/24 QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET Incentives to reward completion of TVET Occupational Qualifications Operating Model to incentivise TVET students to complete Occupational qualifications linked to Centres of Specialisation approved by the Director General by 31 March 2024 Progress report on proposed operating model to incentivise TVET students to complete Occupation al qualification s linked to Centres of Specialisation approved by the Deputy Director General: TVET by 30 June 2023. Progress report on proposed operating model to incentivise TVET students to complete Occupational qualifications linked to Centres of Specialisation was approved by the Deputy Director General: TVET on 30 June 2023 Progress report on proposed operating model to incentivise TVET students to complete Occupational qualifications linked to Specialisation approved by the DDG:T by 30 September 2023 Progress report on proposed operating model to incentivise TVET students to complete Occupational qualifications linked to Centres of Specialisation was approved by the DDG: T on 30 September 2023 Achieved Progress report on proposed operating model to incentivise TVET students to complete Occupational qualifications linked to Specialisation approved by the DDG:T by 31 December 2023 Actual Performance Progress report on proposed operating model to incentivise TVET students to complete Occupational qualifications linked to Centres of Specialisation was not achieved as planned. Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Achieved Not Achieved Reasons for variation Proposed operating model to incentivise TVET students to complete Occupational qualifications linked to Centres of Specialisation was approved by the DDG:T on 11 January 2024, after the targeted time. Plans to address non-achievement of target (with timeframes) Fastrack the approval of submissions processes within the TVET branch and the Department. Examination results released to qualifying students within 40 days from last day of the exams timetable (per cycle) Examination results released to qualifying students within 40 days from last day of the exams timetable (per cycle) Examination results released to qualifying students within 40 days from last day of the exams timetable (per cycle) Number of days to release examination results to qualifying students A user-friendly integrated examination resulting system developed Actual Performance 22.5 days 19 days Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Achieved Achieved 33

  34. PROGRAMME 4: TVET OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Percentage of TVET college lecturers with professional qualifications ANNUAL TARGET 2023/24 75% QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET TVET college lecturers with professional qualifications Actual Performance Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Reasons for variation 75% 64% Not Achieved Less number of professionally unqualified lecturers were registered due to budget cuts. Funding is required to subsidise unqualified lecturers to study to towards professional qualifications. Plans to address non-achievement of target (with timeframes) 300 Number of TVET college lecturers holding appropriate qualifications supported to acquire professional qualifications annually TV ET college lecturers with professional qualifications 300 Actual Performance Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Reasons for variation Plans to address non-achievement of target (with timeframes) 215 Not Achieved Less number of lecturers registered due to budget cuts. Universities are engaged enrol more lecturers. 34

  35. PROGRAMME 4: TVET OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET 2023/24 QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET 16% 16% TVET college lecturing staff appropriately placed in industry or exchange programmes Percentage of TVET college lecturing staff appropriately placed in industry or exchange programmes Actual Performance Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Reasons for variation: Very little efforts from colleges to engage industries for the placement of lectures. Lack of funding to replace lecturers who are placed in industry for longer periods. Lack of funding to incentivise lecturers when placed during college closure periods. Plans to address non-achievement of target (with timeframes): Revisit Strategy to place TVET and re-workshop colleges. The Department enter into agreements at national level with industry to support the placement of lecturers. Lecturers participating in project- based lecturer capacity building programmes in Engineering building programmes in engineering (electrical, plumbing and mechanical) Actual Performance Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Reasons for variation 2.3% 200 Number of lecturers participating in project-based lecturer capacity 200 34 Not Achieved Lack of funding and sponsors for participation in project based lecturer capacity building programmes. Request approval to use funding from SAIVCET and NSF funding. Request TVET colleges to co-fund the training. Plans to address non-achievement of target (with timeframes) 35

  36. PROGRAMME 4: TVET OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Number of TVET colleges offering 4IR aligned skills training. ANNUAL TARGET 2023/24 35 QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET 35 TVET colleges offering 4IR aligned skills training Actual Performance Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Reasons for variation 30 Not Achieved Some TVET colleges have not submitted the survey feedback forms. Plans to address non-achievement of target (with timeframes) Constant liaisons with TVET colleges to submit survey forms. 4 500 Number of lecturers participating in digital literacy programmes. Lecturers participating in digital literacy Programmes Actual Performance Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Reasons for variation 4 500 1 156 (unverified) Not Achieved Under reporting by lecturers. Lecturers not completing digital literacy training Plans to address non-achievement of target (with timeframes) Retrain TVET colleges on the implementation of the Standard Operating Procudures on digital skills training. Incentivise lecturers to attend training. 36

  37. PROGRAMME 5: SKILLS DEVELOPMENT OUTPUTS ANNUAL TARGET 2023/24 QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 40 days 40 days Average lead time from qualifying trade test Applications received until trade test is conducted (days) Average lead time from qualifying trade test applications received until trade test is conducted (days) Actual Performance 24 days 24 days 33 days Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Achieved Achieved Achieved Credible Sector Skills Plans developed by SETAs 21 Number of SETAs assessed to have developed credible Sector Skills Plans per annum 21 Actual Performance Status (Achieved / Not achieved) 21 Achieved 37

  38. PROGRAMME 6: COMMUNITY EDUCATION AND TRAINING QUARTER 3 TARGET OUTPUTS ANNUAL TARGET 2023/24 QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Percentage of CET colleges compliant with the Policy on the Conduct and Management of Examination and Assessment 100% 100% CET college examination centres compliant with the National Policy on the Conduct and Management of Examination and Assessment 38% Actual Performance Not Achieved Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Non-compliance with security measures and some candidates were allowed in examination centres without Identity Documents. Chief Invigilators and Invigilators will be re-trained. Reasons for variation Plans to address non-achievement of target (with timeframes) Criteria to measure compliance with the implementation of the sustainable funding model for CET colleges approved by the Director- General by 31 December 2023 Criteria to measure compliance with the implementation of the sustainable funding model for CET colleges approved Sustainable funding model for CET colleges developed and Implemented Criteria to measure compliance with the implementation of the sustainable funding model for CET colleges approved by the Director-General by 31 December 2023 Actual Performance Criteria to measure compliance with the implementation of the sustainable funding model for CET colleges was approved by the Director-General on 13 November 2023 Achieved Status (Achieved / Not achieved) 38

  39. PROGRAMME 6: COMMUNITY EDUCATION AND TRAINING ANNUAL TARGET 2023/24 OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTER 1 PERFOERMANCE QUARTER 2 PERFORMANCE QUARTER 3 PERFORMANCE Criteria to measure compliance with the implementation of the Policy on National Norms and Standards for Funding CET colleges approved by the Director-General by 31 December 2023 Criteria to measure compliance with the implementation of the Policy on National Norms and Standards for Funding CET colleges approved by the Director-General by 31 December 2023 Criteria to measure compliance with the implementation of the Policy on National Norms and Standards for Funding CET colleges approved Policy on National Norms and Standards for Funding CET Colleges implemented Actual Performance Criteria to measure compliance with the implementation of the Policy on National Norms and Standards for Funding CET colleges was approved by the Director-General on 13 November 2023 Achieved Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Reasons for variation None 41 200* Number of CET college students completing GETC: Level 4 annually 41 200* Actual Performance 10 383 Status (Achieved / Not achieved) Not Achieved Reasons for variation Student absenteeism/ dropout in learning and teaching and for examinations. Lack of college tracking of registered candidates readiness to sit for examination. Intensify monitoring of learning and teaching by colleges, regions and national office. Plans to address non-achievement of target (with timeframes) 39 39

  40. 2023/24 First, Second and Third Quarter: Financial Performance

  41. QUARTER 1: 2023/24

  42. 2023/24: Overview of Allocations: 1st Quarter The Department s annual appropriation for the 2023/24 financial year amounts to R133.8 billion as follows: Voted funds Skills levy The allocation per programme is as follows: 1: Administration 2: Planning, Policy and Strategy 3: University Education 4: TVET 5: Skills Development * [Including the Direct Charges (Skills Levy to SETAs and NSF) amounting to R23 026.959 million] 6: Community Education and Training R110.782 billion R23.027 billion R million 517.460 1 764.943 92 644.522 12 755.001 23 458 962* 2 667.656 42

  43. 2023/24: Overview of Expenditure: 1st Quarter The spending trend on operational expenditure was 2.2% lower than in the first quarter of 2022/23 at 11.6%, amounting to R113.5 million During the first quarter, University Education remained the biggest spending programme at an amount of R48.592 billion of which R23.974 billion was transferred to NSFAS Transfers to TVET colleges amounted to R1.315 billion and CET colleges R55.121 million Transfer payments (R55.567 billion) and compensation of employees (R2.689 billion) remained the biggest spending items on the budget An amount of R5.547 billion was received from skills levy collections and transferred to the SETAs (R4.438 billion) and the NSF (R1.109 billion) Detail per programme and economic classification are reflected in the next two slides: 43

  44. Status of expenditure per programme: 1st Quarter Actual Expenditure (Quarter 1) R 000 Main Appropriation R 000 Balance Available R 000 Status of Expenditure per Programme % Spent 517 460 1: Administration 107 556 409 904 20.79% 1 764 943 2: Planning, Policy and Strategy 60 831 1 704 112 3.45% 92 644 522 3: University Education 48 592 334 44 052 188 52.45% 4: Technical and Vocational Education and Training 12 755 001 3 287 310 9 467 691 25.77% 432 003 5: Skills Development 70 613 361 390 16.35% 2 667 656 6: Community Education and Training 703 961 1 963 695 26.39% Direct Charges ( Skills Levy to SETAs and NSF) 23 026 959 5 546 513 17 480 446 24.09% Total 133 808 544 58 369 118 75 439 426 43.62% 44

  45. Status of expenditure per economic classification: 1st Quarter Actual Expenditure (Quarter 1) R 000 Main Appropriation R 000 Status of Expenditure per Economic Classification Balance Available R 000 % Spent Compensation of Employees 11 180 080 2 689 065 8 491 015 24.05% Personnel Expenditure 10 866 856 2 645 116 8 221 740 24.34% Examiners and Moderators 313 224 43 949 269 275 14.03% Goods and Services 672 137 109 667 562 470 16.32% Transfer Payments 121 651 029 55 566 544 66 084 485 45.68% Capital Expenditure 305 298 3 842 301 456 1.26% Total 133 808 544 58 369 118 75 439 426 43.62% 45

  46. 2023/24 Overview of Expenditure for 1st Quarter Actual Expenditure (Quarter 1) R 000 Final Appropriation Balance Available R 000 Institution/Entity Universities Public Entities National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) Council on Higher Education (CHE) South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) Public Services SETA Education and Training Practices SETA National Skills Fund: Demand Led Skills Training Higher Health National Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences TVET Colleges Subsidies CET College Subsidies Foreign Governments and International Organisations Leave Gratuity R 000 24 572 189 20 577 490 45 149 679 47 947 387 83 887 89 734 29 741 121 961 21 477 110 000 27 530 39 862 4 786 879 211 641 4 292 23 973 692 20 971 22 433 23 973 695 62 916 67 301 22 306 91 471 20 530 110 000 20 647 29 897 3 471 650 156 520 7 435 30 490 947 6 883 9 965 1 315 229 55 121 4 292 (4 676) - 4 676 50 020 031 48 604 039 98 624 070 Total 46

  47. QUARTER 2: 2023/24 47

  48. 2023/24: Overview of Allocations: 2ND Quarter The Department s annual appropriation for the 2023/24 financial year amounts to R133.8 billion as follows: Voted funds Skills levy The allocation per programme is as follows: 1: Administration 2: Planning, Policy and Strategy 3: University Education 4: TVET 5: Skills Development * [Including the Direct Charges (Skills Levy to SETAs and NSF) amounting to R23 026.959 million] 6: Community Education and Training R110.782 billion R23.027 billion R million 517.460 1 764.943 92 644.522 12 755.001 23 458 962* 2 667.656 48

  49. 2023/24: Overview of Expenditure: 2nd Quarter Spending at the end of Quarter 2 increased by 57% from R58.369 billion to R91.865 billion. The total expenditure for the period ending 30 September 2023 of R91.865 billion represents a spending rate of 68.7%, of which R10.947 billion is for the skills levy. Spending on operational expenditure increased from 11.6% to 28.8% amounting to R281.9 million. University Education remains the biggest spending programme at an amount of R72.071 billion, followed by Technical and Vocational Education and Training at R6.144 billion and Community Education and Training at R1.407 billion. Transfer payments (R86.150 billion) and compensation of employees (R5.433 billion) are the biggest spending items on the budget. With regards to transfer payments, all block grant subsidy payments to universities, TVET Colleges, CET Colleges and public entities are on schedule. Detail per programme and economic classification is reflected in the next two slides. 49

  50. Status of expenditure per programme: 2nd Quarter Actual Expenditure (Quarter 2) R 000 Main Appropriation R 000 Balance Available R 000 Status of Expenditure per Programme % Spent 517 460 1: Administration 234 802 282 658 45.38% 1 764 943 2: Planning, Policy and Strategy 918 661 846 282 52.05% 92 644 522 3: University Education 72 071 195 20 573 327 77.79% 4: Technical and Vocational Education and Training 12 755 001 6 144 052 6 610 949 48.17% 432 003 5: Skills Development 142 148 289 855 32.90% 2 667 656 6: Community Education and Training 1 406 590 1 261 066 52.73% Direct Charges ( Skills Levy to SETAs and NSF) 10 947 497 12 079 462 23 026 959 47.54% Total 91 864 945 41 943 599 133 808 544 68.65% 50


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