Understanding Organizational Culture and Generational Myths in the Workplace

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Explore the impact of organizational culture on employee engagement, the aspects shaping workplace culture, and the debunking of generational myths in the modern workforce. Discover how leadership can create a cohesive culture that benefits employees of all generations.

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Understanding Organizational Culture and Generational Myths in the Workplace

PowerPoint presentation about 'Understanding Organizational Culture and Generational Myths in the Workplace'. This presentation describes the topic on Explore the impact of organizational culture on employee engagement, the aspects shaping workplace culture, and the debunking of generational myths in the modern workforce. Discover how leadership can create a cohesive culture that benefits employees of all generations.. Download this presentation absolutely free.

Presentation Transcript

  1. Data - Myths - Action

  2. SECTION 1


  4. In which of the following aspects of your workplace do you experience your organization's culture most strongly? Mission or values statement Recognition or celebrations Approach to employee performance Rituals or norms Onboarding or training Physical workspace

  5. How organizational culture impacts employee engagement?

  6. SECTION 2

  7. Why myth bust? - There is no evidence that younger employees in the workforce are all that different than those 20 or more years ago. - Focusing on generations can steal the focus from creating a culture that is good for all employees - Generations represent protected workplace classes - There are many myths and generalizations about generations, which risks stereotyping

  8. Generational Explanations are Obvious - Generations have been oversimplified - Other time-based factors are more likely explanations for variation - Specific birth year ranges vary substantially - Meta-analytic findings show no differences in job satisfaction, job hopping, workforce participation, or narcissism

  9. Generations Need to be Managed at Work - Leaders should work to create a strong culture for everyone, regardless of age - It is more effective to manage perceptions of generations, rather than generations themselves - Organizations are open to liability by managing individuals based on generation

  10. Younger Generations are Disrupting Work - Changes in the workplace are more likely due to the uniqueness of the current period in time and the innovations and changes that occur as a result - Blaming members of any generation for the work environment is a form of uniqueness bias

  11. Talking about Generations is harmless - Legal risks - promotes agism - Increases gap and closes off the conversation - Risk to inclusivity

  12. Workplace Management for All How can we create a culture that everyone can thrive in?

  13. SECTION 3


  15. What is one word you would use to describe your emotional state or reaction to performance management?

  16. 36% of employees prefer weekly performance conversations with their managers.

  17. What is one thing that you have seen or experienced that was PM done right? What is one thing that went wrong?

  18. What does it mean to trust leaders?

  19. Who is responsible for creating and shaping your organization's culture?

  20. "I trust our senior leaders to lead the company to future success."

  21. What is one thing you have seen or experienced that was trust done right? What is one way trust was done wrong?

  22. Is employee recognition a business priority? Why? Why not?

  23. "If I contribute to the organization's success, I know I will be recognized." When employees believe they will be recognized, they are 2.7x more likely to be highly engaged.

  24. Who wants more recognition at work?

  25. What is one thing you have seen or experienced that was employee recognition done right? What was one thing that felt wrong or toxic?

  26. Question & Response

  27. linkedin.com/in/shane-mcfeely linkedin.com/in/teresapreister/


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