District Assessment Coordinator Training Session

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Presentation Transcript

  1. District Assessment Coordinator Training Session for School Assessment Coordinators Enter the Date Presentation is Given 1

  2. Disclaimer Since this document contains the PDE logo, please adhere to the following guidelines as you use this document: You may edit the slides on pages 1, 9, and 10. These slides contain information specific to your LEA. If you are only administering the PSSA assessments, you may delete the slides for the Keystone Exams, and vice-versa. No other slides should be edited. 2

  3. Agenda 3

  4. Agenda Page 1 Acronyms District Assessment Schedule Changes for 2023 2024 Handbook for Assessment Coordinators Test Security and Certifications PSTAT Student Participation Answer Booklets and Combined Test/Answer Booklets Online Administration 4

  5. Agenda Page 2 Responsibilities of District Assessment Coordinators Responsibilities of School Assessment Coordinators Qualifications of Test Administrators Required Trainings Directions for Administration Secure Materials Parent Information Contact Information/Mission 5

  6. Acronyms 6

  7. Frequently Used Acronyms PDE Pennsylvania Department of Education DRC Data Recognition Corporation DAC District Assessment Coordinator SAC School Assessment Coordinator TA Test Administrator HAC Handbook for Assessment Coordinators DFA Directions for Administration Paper Online 7

  8. District Assessment Schedule 8

  9. District Assessment Schedule PSSA Enter your testing dates PSSA dates ELA Mathematics Science 9

  10. District Assessment Schedule Keystone Enter your testing dates Keystone Exam dates Literature Algebra I Biology 10

  11. Changes for 2023-2024 11

  12. Changes for 2023-2024: Code of Conduct Beginning with winter Keystone exams: For online testing, students will complete the Code of Conduct as part of each Keystone module or PSSA section rather than a separate online section. For paper testing, students will continue to bubble their agreement on the front cover of the answer or test/answer booklet. 12

  13. Changes for 2023-2024: Booklets Winter Keystone Exams: separate test and answer booklets. Spring PSSA and Keystone Exams: Combined test/answer booklets for PSSA Mathematics and Science, Keystone Algebra I and Biology. Separate test and answer booklets for PSSA ELA and Keystone Literature. Instruct students NOT to cross out bubbles as they eliminate answer choices. They may cross out answer choices. 13

  14. Changes for 2023-2024: PSSA Mathematics Non-calculator Section Non-calculator sections Grade 3: entire assessment Grades 4-8: questions 1 through 4 on pages 6 and 7 Stripes along the left and right edges indicate non-calculator pages No red stickers 14

  15. Changes for 2023-2024: PSSA Mathematics Non-calculator Section Non-calculator sections TAs and proctors must carefully monitor to ensure students do not use a calculator to complete these problems and do not return to this section once they have a calculator. Calculators should be under the student s desk when testing begins. Students should raise their hand so TA can collect used scratch/grid paper and distribute new scratch/grid paper or verify scratch/grid paper has not been used. TA should then indicate the student may retrieve calculator from underneath the desk. Report test security violations to DAC and PDE immediately. 15

  16. Changes for 2023-2024: Calculator Policy Calculator Policy updated Exam mode or Testing mode must be activated by TA or proctor prior to each test session for devices with this capability 16

  17. Changes for 2023-2024: PSSA Mathematics Reference Sheets Updated Reference Sheets for PSSA Mathematics Posted to PDE website Copies provided for paper testing LEA should provide copies for online testing 17

  18. Changes for 2023-2024: Accommodations SACs will submit a Unique Accommodation Assurance Form rather than sending an email for students needing a cell phone in near proximity for medical reasons. The following have been updated and are posted to the PDE Website: Unique Accommodation Assurance Form Accommodations Guidelines PowerPoint for Accommodations Read Aloud Guidelines EL Guidelines 18

  19. Changes for 2023-2024: Spanish Translations Spanish booklets will arrive as a single shrink-wrapped packet which contains one English and one Spanish booklet. Students needing a Spanish translation for Mathematics, Science, Algebra I, or Biology will be given both booklets. Students will use one booklet for reference and the other booklet for answers. All responses need to be recorded in one of the booklets. That booklet should have the pre-code label. 19

  20. Handbook for Assessment Coordinators 20

  21. Handbook for Assessment Coordinators 1 Test Security and Certifications Student Participation Answer Booklets Barcode labels Requirements for demographic information Requirements for accommodations TA Initials on combined test/answer booklets, answer booklets 21

  22. Handbook for Assessment Coordinators 2 Online administration Responsibilities of DAC Responsibilities of SAC Responsibilities of TAs 22

  23. Test Security and Certifications 23

  24. Test Security TAs should report any test security violation suspicions to the SAC immediately. If the TA believes the SAC or DAC is involved, the TA should contact PDE immediately ra-edirregularities@pa.gov DACs or SACs should report test security violation suspicions immediately ra-edirregularities@pa.gov Consult HAC for security examples Handbook for Secure Test Administration PSTAT Training 24

  25. Test Security Certifications 1 DAC SAC Building principal(s) All TAs and Proctors All individuals who handle or have access (including keys) to secure materials: custodians, secretarial staff, support staff, TSS, PCAs, student teachers, any others involved in testing. 25

  26. Test Security Certifications 2 Certificates needed: PSSA One covers all content areas for spring Keystone One covers all content areas Each administration (winter, spring, summer) requires signed certificates Proctors of PSSA and Keystone exams sign one for PSSA and one for Keystone exams Certificates located in Appendix of HAC, may be removed from the HAC, signed and returned to SAC. 26

  27. Test Security Certifications 3 Signed after administration Copies maintained by Chief School Administrator or designee for three years Report anyone who refuses to sign the Test Security Certificate to the Chief School Administrator to PDE ra-edirregularities@pa.gov and to Mr. Jay Gift rgift@pa.gov 27

  28. PSTAT 28

  29. PSTAT Requirements DACs must complete DAC, SAC and TA modules annually SACs must complete SAC and TA modules annually TAs, Proctors, TSS, PCAs must complete TA modules annually www.pstattraining.net 29

  30. Student Participation 30

  31. Student Participation Code of Conduct General student participation Accommodations Non-assessed students including religious opt- outs 31

  32. Student Participation: Code of Conduct All students must acknowledge Paper Online Copy provided in HAC 32

  33. General Student Participation All students in grades 3-8 participate in PSSA in their enrolled grade level for federal accountability All students in Keystone Exam trigger courses participate for federal accountability by end of grade 11 Very limited religious opt out PASA used for maximum 1% of enrollment 33

  34. Student Participation: Special Cases See the HAC for detailed information regarding: PASA Court/Agency placed student participation Student withdrawal/enrollment during testing window Suspended and expelled students Home schooled students First year English Learner 34

  35. Student Participation: Accommodations Assurances PDE has moved from an approval process to an assurance process for unique accommodations Assurance process Complete form, submit to PDE and retain a copy for monitoring Complete Survey Monkey form to PDE PDE will contact SAC only if there are questions or issues Submit Assurances only for accommodations indicated in Table A of the Accommodations Manual including cell phone use for medical reasons Accommodations Manual provides additional guidance Email: ra-eduniqueaccom@pa.gov 35

  36. Student Participation: Religious Opt-outs Required documentation District procedures in writing for religious opt out Copies of parent requests to view the exams Copies of parent signed confidentiality statements Copies of written parent requests to opt their child out of testing 36

  37. Answer Booklets and Combined Test/Answer Booklets 37

  38. Answer Booklets: Barcodes and Labels Blank barcode preprinted on every answer booklet and combined test/answer, indicates the booklet has not been used, the booklet is completely blank and should not be processed Student precode use if all information is correct District/School label Use if precode label is not correct Use if student needs to retest Bubble student s information exactly as in PIMS If needed, PIMS information should be corrected after administration Do Not Score place over student precode label when needed 38

  39. Answer Booklets and Combined Test/Answer Booklets: Demographic Information Complete Items 1-3 in answer booklet or combined test/answer booklet only if using district/school label Consult HAC 39

  40. Answer Booklets and Combined Test/Answer Booklets: Accommodations Complete Items 4-7 in answer booklet or combined test/answer booklet for any student receiving Accommodations Consult HAC 40

  41. Answer Booklets and Combined Test/Answer Booklets: TA Initials SAC, SAC s designee or TA must bubble TA s initials on back page For multiple TAs Bubble the lead TA s initials Bubble the Multiple Administrator field Consult HAC 41

  42. Online Administration 42

  43. Online Administration 1 SAC must enter the TA s initials in the portal SAC or person creating test sessions should not be listed as the TA, unless serving as the TA Consult DRC INSIGHT Portal User Guide 43

  44. Online Administration 2 Student records from PIMS PA Online Tutorials PA Online Tools Training Technology Use Guide Student devices Consult DRC INSIGHT Portal User Guide 44

  45. Responsibilities of DACs 45

  46. Responsibilities of DACs Training of SACs Materials receipt notice Additional materials request Secure storage Return of materials Handbook for Secure Test Administration PSTAT: TA, SAC, DAC Maintain all documentation for PDE monitoring visit Consult HAC 46

  47. Responsibilities of SACs 47

  48. Responsibilities of SACs Training of TAs, Proctors, all staff with access to secure materials: secretarial, custodial, TSS, PCA, student teachers, any others Materials receipt notice Additional materials request Secure storage Return of materials 48

  49. Responsibilities of SACs Completion of Unique Assurance Forms for students needing Accommodations Physically monitor all testing spaces Handbook for Secure Test Administration PSTAT: TA, SAC Maintain all documentation for PDE monitoring visit Consult HAC 49

  50. Responsibilities of SACs If a testing irregularity occurs and a student s work must be transcribed: Inform PDE of the testing irregularity Transcribe with a trained TA as witness into a booklet with the same Form number If the original booklet needs to be destroyed, follow Universal Precautions as set by LEA 50


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